Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas Bettles

I do not know the scientific or correct name for our brown friends that come and visit us at this time of the year. I have always known them as Christmas beetles.
Now I just want to let you all know, that I actually adore animals, nature and any thing like that. However me and Christmas beetles do not see eye to eye. I think the reason been is that one Christmas Eve at around 4pm, one of these characters decided that it was going to get a close up view of my ear!

So close that it decided to fly in at full pace and down the ear canal. I have a high pain thresh hold, but that was painful. This guy decided it was going to head butt my ear drum, a pain I would not wish on anyone. My parents did and assessment, my gran added her suggestion, but nothing worked. All that there attempts to get this chap out either killed it or scared it stiff.

Now by 4pm on Christmas Eve a Doctor is a rather scares commodity and we only had 1 private hospital in Benoni at the time. Eventually my dad found a doctor who was prepared to help. After much frustration he got the offender out. Unfortunately the beetle did not see Christmas, but my discomfort was sorted.

Anyway back to present times. I now sit with a situation that these beetles come and haunt me. They are welcome in my house, but they make themselves so welcome that they must fly past my face and land on me. I am paranoid that one will fly into my ear.

I walk around the house constantly making sure that a Christmas beetle is not flying near my face. I have come to the conclusion that they can stay in my house, but should one become to bold, it will be forcibly removed!!

1 comment:

Hayley said...

LOL Keith...very funny!

But I am so with you on this one...I HATE the buggers!