Sunday, March 8, 2009


As you may have gathered from my last post, I have had my first weekend off in a few and I must say it has been good. Yesterday (Saturday) I did a number of things I wanted to do or have been meaning to do, so that was good. I also spent Saturday on the couch watching sport and relaxing. I managed to do a sport of my own- channel hop through the sports channels!

Anyway, this is more what this post is about- sleep! I watched a DVD after an early supper last night and then decided to hit the sack at around 22h00, I remember seeing 22h30, but lets say I fell asleep at 23h00. I was quite tired so I had a good sleep and only remember waking around 2h00 and then at 5h30. At 5h30, I gathered we had a power failure as my clock radio was off. This did not bother me as I was half asleep and not ready to get up.

I then woke around 7h30 and the power was on, so I got up and let Jody out and made myself a cup of coffee, which I took back to bed with me to relax with and just take it easy. Anyway I had my coffee and got comfortable and guess what- I feel asleep for a further 2 hours. I was shocked when I woke up at 10am, as I never expected to have another 2 hours sleep, but I felt good for it. This just shows how tired I actually was!

I guess it is not a bad thing, but it put pay to the Wimpy breakfast I promised myself as I needed to be in Randburg for lunch at 12h30 and did not want to spoil my lunch with a late breakfast. So I guess I should plan another early night so I do not waste the sleep I caught up on.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Sleep is a comodity I have not seen much of in the past year with the arrival of Adam. Not one nights full sleep in a year. So I'm envious!