Monday, September 29, 2008

An Expensive Trip to the loo

Yesterday my brother and I headed into London from Hungerford to see my friends Clint and Ronald or as they should have been refereed to Drunkard 1 and Drunkard 2 as they had a good party on Saturday night and I managed to get them out of bed at 11am to meet for drinks and lunch.

Well been Sunday, trains are a bit less frequent, so from Hungerford to Reading was 1 train and we got of at Reading for a change of train. This was all good, but the time difference in trains, meant that we could grab a pie and a drink (water). We then had a short wait for our next train into London Paddington. Once on the train we were subjected to standing as the train was full.

The toilet content in the next section is not a detailed toilet story, it just revolves around a trip to the toilet in London.

Anyway we were about 5 minutes out of Paddington station and I realised that my bladder was in need of emptying. This was all fine and I thought I will not go on the train as we were so close to the station- This turned out to be an expensive mistake. We got of the train and I turned to my brother and said I am off to the loo quickly, his departing words were have 30p ready.

This did not seem to be a problem at the time, however once at the toilet entrance I departed with my 30p. My mind was now able to concentrate a bit further and I put this all into perspective, I had paid to use the facility which for the thought of cleanliness and the such was fine. However I did the fatal error of converting that into SA Rands, I had just paid R4.20c to go for a quick wee. That is almost a price of a can of Coke back Home. I could have gone on the train for free.

Anyway today in Cardiff I rephrased my wording and asked for a loo that was for free.

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